



藏红花是摘自藏红花柱头烘干后的成品。要制作这种香料,必须用手工摘取每朵花上的 3 根小柱头,而每根柱头只有 2 公分长。一磅的干藏红花柱头得用掉多达 7 万 5 千朵鲜花。另外,要种植藏红花,花农们必须小心挖出成熟的球茎,将新球茎从母株取下并移植。因为这种劳力密集的过程,使得每磅藏红花要价从 500 美金至 5,000 美金不等。因为藏红花这么有经济价值,所以几乎每个气候合适的欧亚国家长久都有栽种藏红花的传统,而现在它更是遍植世界各地。



藏红花被视为与黑松露、鹅肝、鱼子酱世界 3 大美食并列的顶级食材,有『香料女王』之称,是全世界最昂贵的香料,因此和黑松露、鱼子酱、鹅肝在美食殿堂上并称三王一后。


市面上贩卖的瓶罐装藏红花呈粉末状或丝线状,放到饭菜或汤里调理,除了化成香气和耀眼夺目的金黄色,根本吃不到藏红花,她是美食的化妆师,能化腐朽为神奇,但完全溶在食物里,啥也看不到,这虚无飘渺的食材,有太多国家为她疯狂着迷。像是西班牙的小镇 Consuegra,每年 10 月底就会举行两天的藏红花节活动,庆祝这种香料的采收。




Lord of the Spices

There is a spice that links an Egyptian Pharaoh, Indian curries, and Buddhist monks. It takes an entire football field to make only a small amount. And this spice is more costly to produce, harvest, and buy than any other. It is the reddish-yellow spice called saffron.

Saffron is the dried stigma of crocus flowers. To make the spice, each flower must be stripped of its three tiny stigmas—each is only two centimeters long—by hand. It takes up to 75,000 flowers to produce one pound of saffron. What’s more, to grow crocus flowers, farmers must carefully dig up the flower bulbs, break them up, and replant them. Because of this labor-intensive process, saffron costs from US$500 to US$5,000 a pound. It is so valuable that virtually every Eurasian country with the right climate has a long saffron-growing tradition, and it is now grown worldwide.

So what is so special about saffron that makes it worth the extraordinary effort and expense? First, it has a very unique flavor. Even a tiny pinch gives food a slightly metallic taste, and saffron is used in famous dishes such as Spanish paella and Indian curries. These dishes also show the second reason for saffron’s popularity: its luminous yellow color. As a dye, saffron is traditionally used to make the distinctive yellow robes worn by Buddhist monks. Over the years, it has also been valued as a cure for plague, an anti-depressant, and an aphrodisiac; legendary ruler Cleopatra is said to have used it in her baths.

In short, saffron’s one-of-a-kind properties have made it an important part of all the cultures it has touched. Its taste, color, and the difficult production process mean that saffron is likely to remain the most valued spice for a long time to come.

标签:藏红花 香料
